What is FIONA?

The Danish Financial Authority and Danmarks Nationalbank’s joint reporting system FIONA Online is a web-based platform for reporting data.

Here, on behalf of your company, you can report data, view error lists for the reports and correct errors. You can enter data directly, copy from Excel or import an XML file in the format that we have defined for each reporting type. You must be registered as a user and have received an invitation before you can log in to FIONA Online. Send an email to the FIONA Service Desk at fiona@nationalbanken.dk with information about which reports you want to access.

You can also choose an automated solution, where an XML file is sent directly from one system to the other (see the ‘Technical material’ section under each company type). If you want an automated solution, it will also be necessary to exchange a certificate. Contact the FIONA Service Desk for further information.

In the user manual for the FIONA Online 3 reporting system you can find information on how to access FIONA, the set-up in FIONA, submission of drafts and reports and automated submission.

User manual for FIONA Online 3