Other publications may include books, quarterly reviews, annual reports and economic bulletins from the ECB, PhD theses and Danmarks Nationalbank’s policies.
Monetary Review 2005 1. Quarter
Monetary Review 1st Quarter 2005 contains the following articles:1. Recent Economic and Monetary Trends, 2. Risks on Settlement of Large Payments, 3. The 10-Year Yield Spread between Denmark and Germany, 4. Wages, Competitiveness and the Balance of Payments, 5. Sterilised and Non-Sterilised Intervention in the Foreign-Exchange Market, 6. Exchange-Rate Impact of Danmarks Nationalbank's Interventions in the Foreign-Exchange Market, 7. Relations Between Stock Prices and Bond Yields, 8. Hedge Funds in Denmark and Internationally, 9. Proposal for a Directive on New Capital-Adequacy Rules (Basel II)