Other publications may include books, quarterly reviews, annual reports and economic bulletins from the ECB, PhD theses and Danmarks Nationalbank’s policies.
Report and Accounts 2015
Danmarks Nationalbank's accounts for 2015 show a profit of kr. 3.6 billion. This is to a large extent attributable to the pressure on the krone in early 2015, which resulted in a net profit of just over kr. 2 billion for Danmarks Nationalbank.
At the same time, the new investment strategy with exposures to e.g. equities and corporate bonds also made a positive contribution.
Danmarks Nationalbank's operating expenses rose by kr. 84 million compared with the previous year, reflecting investment in an IT-supporting infrastructure and higher expenses for the production of banknotes and coins, the reason being that extra supplies of cash have been produced in view of the forthcoming outsourcing of production.
Danmarks Nationalbank transfers kr. 868 million to the central government.