Nationalbankens økonomer og gæstetalere præsenterer deres forskning på planlagte seminarer i løbet af året. Du kan se kommende seminarer herunder.
Kommende seminarer
- 5 March 2024: Luigi Paciello (Einaudi Institute of Economics and Finance): "TBA"
- 12 March 2024: Tim Eisert (Nova School of Business and Economics): "Exorbitant Privilege? Quantitative Easing and the Bond Market Subsidy of Prospective Fallen Angels"
- 9 April 2024: Filippo de Marco (Bocconi University): "TBA"
- 14 May 2024: Neeltje van Horen (Bank of England): "TBA"
Tidligere seminarer
- 12 December 2023: Aubhik Khan (Ohio State University): "Persistent Debt and Business Cycles in an Economy with Production Heterogeneity"
- 28 November 2023: David Wiczer (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta): "TBA"
- 14 November 2023: Claus Kreiner (University of Copenhagen): "Micro vs Macro Labor Supply Elasticities: The Role of Dynamic Returns to Effort"
- 7 November 2023: Scott R. Baker (Kellogg School of Management): "Corporate Taxes and Retail Prices"
- 31 October 2023: Daniel Streitz (IWH Halle): "Out of sight, out of mind: Divestments and the Global Reallocation of Pollutive Assets"
- 24 October 2023: Moritz Kuhn (University of Mannheim): "To Have or Not to Have: Understanding Wealth Inequality"
- 3 October 2023: Thomas Drechsel (University of Maryland): "Identifying Monetary Policy Shocks: A Natural Language Approach"
- 27 September 2023: Leonardo Melosi (University of Warwick): "TBA"
- 19 September 2023: Francesco Zanetti (University of Oxford): "Agreed and Disagreed Uncertainty"
- 12 September 2023: Anton Nakov (ECB): "Climate-Conscious Monetary Policy"
- 31 August 2023: Kilian Huber (University of Chicago) & Ludwig Straub (Harvard University) "Disaggregated Economic Accounts"
- 21 June 2023: Daniel Paravisini (London School of Economics): "One Size Doesn´t Fit All: Heterogeneous Depositor Compensation During Periods of Uncertainty"
- 30 May 2023: Paolo Sodini (Stockholm University): "TBA"
- 26 May 2023: John Campbell (Harvard University): "Mortgage Choice and Monetary Policy"
- 16 May 2023: Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi (Bank of England): "The transmission of Keynesian supply shocks"
- 9 May 2023: Andrew Goodman-Bacon (Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis): "Difference-in-Differences with a Continuous Treatment"
- 2 May 2023: Karin Kinnerud (BI Norwegian Business School): "Down-payment requirements: Implications for portfolio choice and consumption"
- 18 April 2023: Basile Grassi (Bocconi University): "The Hitchhiker's Guide to Markup Estimation"
- 11 April 2023: Andreas Fagereng (BI Norwegian Business School): "Assortative Mating and Wealth Inequality"
- 21 March 2023: Ralph Luetticke (UCL): "Foreign Portfolios and Domestic Business Cycles with Heterogeneous Agents"
- 14 March 2023: Roine Vestman (Stockholm University): "The Housing Wealth Effect: Quasi-Experimental Evidence"
- 22 November 2022: Erik Öberg (Uppsala University): ”The Unemployment-Risk Channel in Business-Cycle Fluctuations”
- 15 November 2022: Carlos Carrillo-Tudela (University of Essex): ”Matching Through Search Channels”
- 8 November 2022: Nicola Limodio (Bocconi University): ”The Financial Transmission of a Climatic Shock: El Nino and US Banks”
- 4 October 2022: Laura Pilossoph (Duke University): ”Job Search, Wages, and Inflation”
- 22 September 2022: Sebastian Doerr (BIS): ”Income Inequality and Job Creation”
- 13 September 2022: John Vincent Kramer (University of Copenhagen): ”The Cyclicality of Earnings Growth along the Distribution – Causes and Consequences”
- 14 June 2022: Niklas Engbom (New York University): ”Labor Market Fluidity and Human Capital Accumulation”
- 7 June 2022: Vasso Ioannidou (Bayes Business School, formerly Cass): ”Corporate Pension Risk-Taking in a Low Interest Rate Environment”
Tidligere konferencer
- 26-27 September 2022: The Return of Inflation. Conference hosted by Danmarks Nationalbank, Deutsche Bundesbank and Norges Bank in Oslo, Norway
- 20 May 2022: Empirical Banking Workshop, Danmarks Nationalbank
- 13-14 December 2021: Stabilization policies: Lessons from the COVID-19 crisis and prospects for future policy strategies. Online conference hosted by Danmarks Nationalbank, Deutsche Bundesbank and Norges Bank